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Parcel Lockers For DIY Retailers

The range of myRENZbox smart lockers is extremely flexible in what it can offer DIY retailers looking to improve efficiencies and customer satisfaction when collecting items from store.

myRENZbox intelligent parcel boxes is notably working with DIY retailers throughout Europe on a number of projects to improve the customer experience in order to improve sales and drive growth for the business.

Bespoke processes and solutions are available including walk-in units, roller shutter areas and pallet-sized secure lockers, all with intelligent parcel box myRENZbox back-end processing which can be integrated with business API systems.

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Popular Intelligent Parcel Solutions

residential parcel boxes

myRENZbox Modula

Part of the Classic range, the MODULA smart parcel locker is a fully scalable intelligent parcel box system with proven functionality at the best price. The combination of hardware and unique RENZ software platform enables full automation of the parcel delivery, collection and returns process.

myRENZbox Modula Extended Parcel Boxes

myRENZbox Modula Extended

Part of the Classic range, the Modula Extended smart parcel box solution is both taller at 2216mm and deeper, 750mm than the standard smart parcel Modula range. These high-capacity parcel boxes are ideal for accommodating problematic large parcels and work perfectly in a click and collect retail environment to store customer orders placed online.

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

Bespoke Products

We are a manufacturer of parcel delivery solutions and as such can create bespoke products to suit the requirements of clients and what the processes will entail on a per-project basis.

The flexibility to scale or adjust the offering in the future is also available with products we offer.

DIY Retailers

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Parcel Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

myRENZbox Pallet Boxes

Parcel Collection - DIY Retailers

myRENZbox Smart Parcel Box

The Ultimate Solutions

Parcel Box Projects


No-obligation consultation

We welcome the chance to discuss your project and we can share all that is current in terms of standards and product options totally free of charge.

Simply complete and submit the form and we will get back in touch to talk through your requirements.

We also provide Autocad drawings as required – it’s all part of the service!
